Case & Piece Picking

Improve Accuracy & Efficiency

Maximize Inventory Management with Streamlined Picking Processes

Muratec’s AS/RS, sortation, and transport systems, and AGVs, easily integrate with existing technology, ensuring maximum efficiency and accuracy. They offer scalability, adaptability, and significant value, making them the ideal choice for businesses aiming to optimize case and piece picking in their warehouse operations. 

Enhanced Efficiency

Accelerate picking and boosting order fulfillment efficiency while handling larger order volumes

Improved Accuracy

Reduce picking error and minimize returns with high-precision picking processes.

Labor Optimization

Shift your workforce from repetitive tasks to strategic roles, boosting efficiency and reducing errors.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I increase storage capacity at my warehouse?

What are some of the pros and cons of adding automation to my operation?

What are the key technologies of an AS/RS?

What is a Shuttliner?