In celebration of Muratec’s 50th anniversary, the company has been recognizing its longest serving employees.

David Stalvey, director of operations for the textiles division, is part of that distinguished group, having worked at Muratec for nearly 36 years.

In fact, David’s worked here so long he’s been serving as Muratec’s unofficial historian as the company looks back on the last 50 years, sharing his knowledge about Muratec’s achievements and culture, which he describes as like a family.

1. What drew you to Muratec and what has kept you here? 

I had been working for 2 different customers of Murata Machinery. This is my 36th year with Murata. What has kept me here has been the opportunity working here has given me. I have been a field service technician, a teacher, and a manager. 

2. How has technology and your industry/department evolved during your time at Muratec?

I have had the privilege of being a part of 35 years of improvements in our machinery. Our machinery continues to become more user-friendly and much easier to operate and maintain, both with our winding and spinning machines. Our spinning speed has increased from 150 meters a minute to 450+ meters a minute while keeping the same level of quality.

3. What has been your work philosophy or motto?

My philosophy has been to treat others the way I want to be treated. Always I look back on where I started and have not taken it for granted.

4. Share a memorable experience or project at Muratec that had a lasting impact on you.

There have been too many experiences and projects that have had a lasting impact on me. I have enjoyed working with our customers and other Murata staff members both here and in other countries.  My trips to these countries have made an impact, from Japan and Mexico to South America, and Canada.

5. What advice would you give someone just starting out at Muratec?

Communicate to other staff members that have been working here for a long period of time. There’s a reason they have been working here so long.